Thursday, May 31, 2018

Discussion 1: Stereotypes (due June 8)

BEFORE COMMENTING, you MUST cover all the material in LECTURE 1.

Identify a group (ethnic, national, geographical etc.) that you belong to or you descend from.

Ex: Italian, Caribbean, African American, Vietnamese, German, Brazilian, Native American etc.

Even if the roots are far far in the past (English, Scottish, Swiss), even if you do not identify with those roots, list the stereotypes about that group. This is a serious exercise. Think in these terms:

"What do people in general think, what kind of automatic association do they make in their minds when they hear that you are -- for instance -- Asian Indian? Or Russian."

Click COMMENT below:

Write a bullet-type list; each item one, max two words. Keep it telegraphic.

REPLY: choose a list from a classmate that introduces a stereotype you didn't know existed, and write a comment about it.
EXTRA CREDIT TO THE FIRST 3 person who will post a comment (remind me in when you send the next assignment.)