Sunday, June 24, 2018

Discussion 11: -- SON OF ITALY -- due June 28

OK, Pascal made the right call when he decided to immigrate and then to stay in America when the others returned home. But, was it all worth it? In INDIVIDUAL TERMS, probably Pascal concludes that it was. But in COLLECTIVE terms, in terms of the history of humanity (think big, don't be shy), was the mass migration of large populations to this continent worth it? What about the pain, the suffering, the slavery, the tragedies that befell the other ones, those who didn't make it? All of that resulted in the colonization of the continent. Progress exacts a price to be paid in innocent victims. What if you were one of the victims? COMMENT AND REPLY


  1. I think that you can't get anywhere without a few casualties along the way. It happened with every nation, every tribe, and it will keep happening to the end of time. There is no way for people to pick up and move somewhere completely different without having issues. especially back in those times when everyone was racist and hated anyone who wasn't their color or nationality. At the end of the day, the Italians made something of themselves and now they live in America freely and happily. Yes, there might have been a lot of people that didn't make it but its because of those casualties that the Italians are here today. People learn from their mistakes, and a definite mistake is giving any human a horrible, laboring job that is not safe.

    1. I agree people learn from there mistakes. with each year things can get better and better. you'll never know if you can make it until you try.

    2. Absolutely!!!!! I agree that the cycle will indeed go around, it may not be as bad as previous generation had it but it will keep advancing.

  2. I know in life no one can make it far without overcoming obstacles. nothing in life comes easy without working for it. With that being said, I would say that everything he had to endure was worth it. the migration forced people in America to look at what they have and be grateful. If I would have been the victim as a causality I could live with that because i would know that something wonderful came from it.

    1. Hi Nicole, I totally agree with you. Even though it may have been forced he still made the best out of it.

    2. So true! the struggle makes the reward so much greater at the end of the day.

  3. i think if it is free migration and not forced migration than yes, it is worth taking the chance for a better life,a higher standard of living.My father came to the US before us and now we all live here. My brother works for the IRS ,my father is the head nurse of harlem hospital and i am about graduate from college. All of these things i believe would not of happen without us taking that chance.So Pascal made the right chose to leave and to stay here yes it was hard and he miss home, but he took that chance and it payed off.Not everyone will have luck and its up to every to try and make their own luck.

  4. I think when Pascal made the decision to immigrate and stay in America he made the right one. Even though it was a forced migration he still made great moments of it. Concerning mass migration to the states I feel like it was worth it. America wouldn’t really be where it is now if it wasn’t for millions of immigrations who came to work, bringing new ideas on technology, built numerous landmarks, etc. Yeah, there may have been innocent victims but that is often predicted and considered normal in order for the bigger picture. If I were one of these victims I would still continue and try to make a living for myself no matter how hard it may be.

  5. In my opinion, I feel as though mass migration is necessary not only for the overall growth of a nation but for individual growth. Many people like Pascal, migrate to this country in search of a better life and more opportunities for financial freedom to help not only themselves but also their loved ones back in their native countries. Although the trials and tribulations of migrating may have been difficult to bear, especially when discussing forced migration, they were experiences that helped to shape the future in terms of what’s right and wrong, fair or unfair, just and unjust. Without immigration and expansion we wouldn’t be where we are today as a diverse nation. Although there were many casualties along the way in the end, with persistence, they achieved. If I were to be a victim or casualty to the cause I would like to think that I would be at peace knowing that I tried my best to make a better life for myself and through my errors or shortcomings those who follow after will have a better roadmap of how to achieve the success they seek.

    1. I agree with your opinion and the idea that going forward, those that come after the first of their family to arrive will be able to learn from the mistakes of those that came before them. I think that is the mindset for most immigrant families is to do better in the long run.

  6. I think that it was important for immigrants to leave the continent and it continues to be important even in our society today. We know that immigrants bring their food, culture, and other aspects into a country that also becomes apart of the host culture. As with anything, there are bound to be struggles that go along with moving to a foreign place. If I were a victim, to make a better life in my new found country, unfortunately those would be the kinds of struggles I would have to endure to make a better life for myself and family for the future. This is what my ancestors have already done for me to be where I am today.

  7. To accomplish anything big there is suffering along the way. America is one of the greatest country in the world because of the mass migration and sacrifice from emigrants looking for a better life. Its sad that many people met many hardships such as buildings roads, railroads, bridges in extreme weather. These people are the foundation we all currently standing on and with every generation the foundation keeps getting stronger and stronger for humanity.

  8. It was hard being an immigrant back then. However, I believe it was worth all the pain and suffering. Someone always have to sacrifice something either for someone else or for himself/herself. The slavery and tragedies have made history and because of it we are who we are today. Yes, there are very unpleasant and disturbing things that were happening back then but today the world is no different. I like to learn and remember historical events that have happened in the past but I take it as unpreventable events that we can only learn from and thank it.
